The Leader
in Unstructured
Financial Data

Context Analytics has expanded its depth of data to include all textual data. We source, clean, structure, and analyze textual data for investable insights and business intelligence.
Context Analytics does the work to source, clean, structure and maintain Unstructured Data sets so your team can focus on research and finding trade opportunities.
Save time reading thousands of pages by using the Unstructured Data Terminal to surface and test investment ideas, monitor global filings and ESG, and identify changes in document tone.
Business intelligence
Identify emerging trends for Corporate Business Development and Corporate Strategy, conduct competitive analysis, and manage vendor and customer risk.
Context Analytics is at the cutting edge of unstructured data innovation and CA drives the unstructured data offerings of many of the world’s largest financial institutions. CA differentiates through superior quality, reliability and consistency.

Who We Are

Context Analytics, Inc. (CA) differentiates through transparency. We provide our historical data, along with results related to backtests and alpha derivation, to clients, academia, and interested firms

Data Sources

Context Analytics’ proprietary universal parser and Natural Language Processor allows us to work with any textual data source. Our current library doc count includes Social Media, Corporate Filings (Annual Reports, SEC EDGAR Documents and more), Earnings Transcripts, Private Company Data and Proprietary client data. We can even parse your research reports, law documents and more – saving you hundreds of hours – to provide you with your own customized Unstructured Data Terminal. Click here for quote.
Social Media
Corporate Filings
Earning Transcripts
Private Company Data
Proprietary Client Data

Latest Blog

The Resurgence of Roaring Kitty

Known for his pivotal role in the 2021 GameStop stock saga, Roaring Kitty once again captured the internet's attention. Back then, he led a vast online community to buy these stocks, causing their prices to skyrocket in a dramatic move against hedge funds that were shorting them. On Sunday Night, Roaring Kitty posted again, sparking a similar chain reaction.
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Asset Classes

Global Equities
Crypto Currencies
Private Companies

Schedule a Meeting

If you would like to learn more about how our Unstructured Data solutions can benefit you and your team, schedule a call with our CEO, Joe Gits or email us at
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