Independent research confirms that Unstructured Data is a powerful source of highly predictive of future returns click here. Context Analytics’ API is used by top hedge funds and financial firms worldwide to increase returns and reduce risk.
Longer-term investors use Context Analytics’ Unstructured Data Terminal as a research tool to surface ideas, monitor global filings, and identify changes in document tone. With the explosion of written documentation in finance, it is just not feasible for a researcher to read tens of thousands of pages. Capabilities including Smart synonym search, Red-lining on 10-Qs and 10-Ks, Sentiment metrics on Corporate Filings as well as Social Data inputs all allow for more efficient use of analysts’ time.
Corporate Business Development and Corporate Strategy teams use Context Analytics’ Unstructured Data Terminal to:
• Identify emerging trends – both within and across industries
• Conduct competitive analysis
• Manage vendor and customer risk
Context Analytics data drives the unstructured data offerings of many of the world’s largest financial institutions. Out commitment to superior quality, reliability and consistency is well recognized among industry leaders.
CA has best-in-class IP for Ingesting, Normalizing and Analyzing Unstructured Data. Partners can leverage CA Machine Readable language Parsing at scale. This allows partners to quickly scan and interpret 100’s of thousands of financial documents, providing an efficient way to monetize unstructured data sets for insights and revenue growth.
CA also allows Partners to easily add relevant unstructured data to their own platforms through the use of widgets.